The Auto Innovators team includes professionals with a wide range of experience deep within the automotive, policy, regulatory, and legislative arenas. The team utilizes their expertise to help guide the industry’s transformation as it strives for a cleaner, safer, smarter future.

John Bozzella
President & CEO
Angel Punzalan
Chief Financial Officer
Ben Tesfazghi
Director, Federal Affairs
Brian Weiss
Senior Vice President, Communications
Catherine Palin
Senior Attorney and Director of Environment Policy
Charles Haake
Chief Legal Officer
Colin Kuhlkin-Hornsby
Communications Coordinator
Colleen Hogan
Executive Assistant
Curt Augustine
Senior Director, State Affairs
Dan Bowerson
Vice President, Energy and Environment Policy
David Bright
Senior Attorney
David Schwietert
Chief Government Affairs and Policy Officer
Garrick Francis
Vice President of Federal Affairs
Hilary Cain
Senior Vice President, Policy
Jennica Sims
Director, Federal Affairs
Jessica Simmons
Assistant General Counsel
John Jacobs
Vice President, Industry Engagement and Partnerships
John Ohly
Head of Congressional Affairs
Josh Fisher
Senior Director, State Affairs
Judy Mulcahy
Chief Operations Officer
Kim Hutchinson
Senior Manager, Operations
Lauren Collins
Director, Safety Policy
Michael Hartrick
Senior Director & Executive Advisor, Energy and Environment Policy
Michelle Hernandez
Manager, Membership
Mike Watson
Manager, Energy and Environment Policy
Nick Steingart
Director, State Affairs
Nicole Monger
Senior Manager, Human Resources
Paul Scullion
Director, Safety Policy
Sarah Puro
Vice President, Safety and Technology Policy
Scott Rossow
Manager, State Affairs
Tara Hairston
Senior Director, Technology Policy
Toi Taylor
Policy Operations Manager
Tom Miller
Senior Director, Energy and Environment Policy
Tonya Parish
Manager, Communications
Tricia Cauley
Senior Director, Communications
Tyson Megown
Director of Mobilization
Wayne Weikel
Vice President, State Affairs
Zahid Nangrahary
Senior Finance & Operations Analyst