The road ahead is safer, thanks to a wide range of state-of-the-art technologies developed by automakers. From designs and innovations that can help protect occupants in a crash to on-board technologies that can help drivers avoid a crash, the auto industry is constantly striving to improve motor vehicle and traffic safety.
The Road to a Safer Future

Heat Stroke Prevention
Never Leave a Child Unattended in a Vehicle—Not Even For a Few Moments
Tragically, infants and children die each year from heatstroke suffered when left unattended in the rear seat of passenger vehicles. From rear seat reminders to awareness campaigns, see how automakers are stepping up to help prevent heat stroke.

Crash Avoidance & Protection
Crash Avoidance is One of Today’s Top Safety Goals
Automakers are developing the next generation of vehicle safety technologies and introducing innovations to both help mitigate crashes and protect occupants in the event of a crash.

Driver Behavior
Automakers Address the Dangers of Distracted Driving
With 94% of vehicle crashes attributable to some form of driver behavior, automakers are committed to developing and deploying innovations to help keep drivers focused on the road.

Impaired Driving
Working to Prevent Impaired Driving
New technology promises to save lives.