Download available press kits

Downloadable Resources

Memo: Automatic Emergency Braking

Requiring Analog AM Radio in New Vehicles: What is Congress Trying to Solve For?

Memo: No, Your Car Isn't Spying... It's Keeping You Safe

Memo: Perspective on Coming EPA Emissions Rules

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed new light-duty 
vehicle greenhouse gas (GHG) and criteria emissions rules for model year 2027 through 
2032. Questions and relevant data to consider when evaluating the feasibility of these regulations.

Carbon Neutrality by 2050

Achieving Carbon Neutrality in Road Transport by 2050: Reaffirmation by the Automobile Industry

The International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (OICA) released a position paper titled “Carbon Neutrality by 2050,” a comprehensive framework of specific policy recommendations to support the decarbonization of road transport.

Heatstroke Prevention Resources

The following resources will provide information on heatstroke prevention. And remember, someone who sees a child in an unattended vehicle should call 911.

Right to Repair: Myth and Fact

Securing the Future of Personal Mobility

The Auto Industry's Approach to Cybersecurity

Securing the Electric Vehicle Ecosystem

The Auto Industry's Approach to Charging Infrastructure Cybersecurity

Letters to Governors In Support of EV Commitment

Automotive Industry Welcomes Governor Ned Lamont's Commitment to EV Success

Automotive Industry Welcomes Governor Roy Cooper's Commitment to EV Success

Automotive Industry Welcomes Governor Phil Murphy's Commitment to EV Success

Automotive Industry Welcomes Governor Andrew Cuomo's Commitment to EV Success

Automotive Industry Welcomes Governor Janet Mills' Commitment to EV Success

Automotive Industry Welcomes Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham's Commitment to EV Success

Automotive Industry Welcomes Governor David Ige's Commitment to EV Success

Automotive Industry Welcomes Governor Kate Brown's Commitment to EV Success

Automotive Industry Welcomes Governor Daniel McKee's Commitment to EV Success

Automotive Industry Welcomes Governor Jay Inslee's Committment to EV Success

Automotive Industry Welcomes Governor Charlie Baker's Committment to EV Success

Download the Full Set of Letters to Governors in Support of EV Commitment

State ZEV Conditions Handout

Programs and policies states can start putting in place today to achieve a zero-emission transportation future.

Comments on Risks in the Semiconductor Manufacturing and Advanced Packaging Supply Chain

Auto Innovators comments on risks in the semiconductor manufacturing and advanced packaging supply chain.

Download Full AV Roadmap

Auto Innovators has released a comprehensive roadmap to guide federal government policies that can advance the testing and deployment of automated vehicles (AVs) in the United States.

Download AV Roadmap One Pager

Auto Innovators has released a comprehensive roadmap to guide federal government policies that can advance the testing and deployment of automated vehicles (AVs) in the United States.

Download Recall Awareness Media Kit

The communications kit includes graphics that can be printed and used as mail inserts in envelopes, stickers on envelops or online banner ads.

Download Ten Benefits Of AVs

There are many benefits potential beneifts to automated vehicles, see 10 reasons why Congress should enact a comprehensive cutonomous vehicle (AV) Law.

Download Consumer Privacy Protection Principles

To enhance privacy, automakers that are now Auto Innovators members pledged to meet or exceed commitments contained in the Automotive Consumer Privacy Protection Principles established to protect personal information collected through in-car technologies.

COVID-19: See Individual Member Relief Efforts

Corporate Social Responsiblity: download a report on individual member company actions to support relief efforts on COVID-19