The transportation system people dream of — one that’s truly integrated with even safer, more efficient and faster mobility — can become a reality with broad, reliable connectivity. That’s the type of connectivity that the Road Safety Spectrum allows at the 5.9 GHz band.
Connected Vehicles Are Ushering in the Future of Auto Safety

Transformational Change
Right now, transportation stands on the cusp of transformational change. The auto industry is deploying safety-critical, Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) technologies. Automakers and other companies are also working on Vehicle-to Everything (V2X) applications that will enable vehicles to communicate with critical infrastructure, other vehicles, and other road users. The future looks to include communication with bicyclists, pedestrians, and traffic lights, as well as advanced alerts and warnings of roadway hazards.

What are V2V and V2X communications?
There were more than 36,000 roadway fatalities in 2018. Bicyclist and pedestrian deaths increased by 10% in 2018. Add to that the incredible financial burden of motor vehicle crashes: approximately 2 million people are injured every year, and they cost the U.S. economy an estimated $836 billion annually. According to the U.S. DOT, V2X technologies, if widely deployed, have the potential to address the vast majority of light vehicle crashes.
Automotive Testing
Currently, the U.S. Department of Transportation is working with stakeholders on testing. Testing is necessary so automakers can be assured that blink-of-an-eye speed communications can operate in a spectrum that is free from interference.
Phase 1
Laboratory testing to evaluate potential for harmful interference among unlicensed and V2X prototype devices. (Completed Fall 2018) Basic field testing with vehicles on closed course test grounds — a simulation of the real world.
Phase 2
Basic field testing with vehicles on closed course test grounds — a simulation of the real world.
Phase 3
More vehicles, more test devices, more real-world scenarios in a larger, naturalistic environment.